Survey Season has started
The cooler mornings have arrived, and we have kicked off survey season for 24/25. If your house is cold or you generally want to improve the efficiency to reduce heating bills, we can help!

No back-draught shutter on your extractor fan?
A fan is there to extract damp air not to introduce cold air like this poor install!

What causes mould and condensation within houses…
What causes mould and condensation within houses...

Energy House 2.0
Last week Thermal Surveys NI was invited over to University of Salford in Manchester to tour the £16m project where 2 houses of the future have been constructed and monitored all within all within a huge environmental chamber.

Why use thermal imaging?
Our Heat Loss Surveys help you identify all the weak and inefficient areas of your property. Then with our reports and advice, you can rectify these issues, straight to the source, no guessing... reducing your heat loss and therefore your heating bills.

Northern Ireland Energy and Fuel Suppliers Price Increases
The companies that supply most of Northern Ireland’s fuel and power eg www.firmusenergy.co.uk www.powerni.co.uk www.airtricitygasni.com have hit the headlines several times this winter with eye-watering increases 20%... 30%... with the potential of more to come.

Heating prices to rise before Winter!
It looks like heating bills could rise 20%+ before Winter 2021. This rise plus the situation where more people are working from home could see some people shocked by the size of their heating bill.

Sagging cavity wall insulation
White polystyrene bead can drop or sag over time. This type of insulation was popular in the 1980s and early 90s. Also, any works on the house, including window replacement or moving sockets can cause displacement.

Affordable Warmth Scheme Grant
The Affordable Warmth Scheme is the Department for Communities’ new Scheme for addressing fuel poverty in the Private Sector. It is being delivered across Northern Ireland on behalf of the Department by the Housing Executive and the local Councils.

Cold Stores
This month Thermal Surveys was pleased to assist Gourmet Island with the assessment of their building. Thermal Imaging was used to ensure energy is not being wasted and minimum temperatures are being maintained.